decision analysis partners has a stellar record of qualifications in the development of technical requirements and the design of complex telecommunications networks.
Broadband Networks
Public and private organizations need increasing wired and wireless bandwidth to support information-rich activities. The demand for community access to broadband services is rising as well. Economic development depends on broadband networks today like it depended on the U.S. highway sixty years ago. decision analysis partners has a great deal of experience in the analysis and design of business and technical requirements for broadband networks in the United States, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and Latin America. Our approach brings together an understanding of business needs, the ability to determine financial feasibility, and the capacity to develop detailed technical requirements.Operations and Business Support Systems
The operation of complex telecommunications networks spanning various products requires sophisticated business systems. These systems automate the provisioning of customer access to various products and account for their use. decision analysis partners has a significant experience in operations and business support systems, including independent testing of these systems to ensure that they work and bill for services as designed.Digital Inclusion
Countries are increasingly interested in deploying broadband systems designed to provide affordable access to poor segments of the population. If designed correctly, these systems can have a major impact on economic development and education. decision analysis partners has delivered a number of digital inclusion studies that combine surveys with the targeted population segments, stakeholder forums, economic feasibility and viability analyses and technical designs.Government Systems

Satellite Communications and Undersea Cables
Private and public clients may require specialized services such as satellite communications and/or undersea cables. Both services require large upfront investments and will therefore require long-term commitments.Latest Telecommunications and ICT Projects
- decision analysis partners was awarded a feasibility study project for the expansion of a Sub-Saharan telecommunications carrier’s network. The expansion includes the construction of a 1,600-kilometer […]
- ‘Client: SAEB – Secretaria da Admintraço do Governo do Estado da Bahia Project funded by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency The objective of this project […]
- decision analysis partners delivered a comprehensive digital transformation project to the Government of the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Sul, funded by a grant from […]
- The City of Cape Town selected decision analysis partners to provide Technical Assistance for the Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain Digital Inclusion project. Cape Town wanted to […]
- decision analysis partners was selected by the World Bank to develop a detailed digital transformation plan for three Eastern Caribbean islands: Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and […]
- decision analysis partners was selected by the Inter-American Development Bank for an important broadband project in Peru. Situation Although broadband communications services are readily available along […]
- INTRODUCTION decision analysis partners LLC was awarded a USTDA-financed contract to prepare a technical design and roadmap for the development and deployment of the information and […]
- Client
NOAA CENTER for WEATHER and CLIMATE PREDICTION (NCWCP) Digital Infrastructure Planning INTRODUCTION decision analysis partners LLC (DAP) was part of a team selected to assist the […]- Client
- USTDA - Romania GIES
SITUATION All disasters are local. Recovery after a disaster isn’t complete until individuals and families recover from their personal losses. To facilitate recovery, Governments play a […]