decision analysis partners developed a comprehensive tender for the new port of Port of Tangier Med in Oued Rmel, Morocco to install and operate an integrated set of security measures. Functional requirements for security services included:
- Perimeter intrusion detection
- Video Surveillance
- Access Control
- Land and Radio Communications
- Workforce Management Solution
- Security Management System
- Command and Control Center (C3)
- Emergency Response Center
- Metal Detectors and Baggage Scanners
- Surveillance of Basin and Tangier Port’s Immediate Approaches
- Client
decision analysis partners developed a comprehensive tender for the new port of Port of Tangier Med in Oued Rmel, Morocco to install and operate an integrated […]- Client
decision analysis partners organized an orientation visit designed to expose airport security officials from Latin American and Caribbean countries to U.S. technology and know-how regarding airport security, in […]- Client
This desk study was performed by decision analysis partners (dap) to develop terms of reference for a technical assistance project to support the acquisition of security […]- Client
USTDA received a proposal from the Salvadorian Government to support the development of a single window electronic portal for customs. decision analysis partners was requested to […]- Client
The U.S. Trade and Development Agency, in conjunction with other U.S. government agencies, established a Regional Trade and Financial Security Initiative fund for the APEC countries […]- Client
In October 2002, the Africa and Middle East Region of the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) organized a conference in Marrakech, Morocco to bring together […]- Client
USTDA and the American Association of Airport Executives jointly organized the North Africa/Middle East/U.S. Airport Infrastructure/Safety/Security Workshop and Trade Mission in Marrakech, Morocco, October 6-9, 2002. […]