
decision analysis partners was selected by the World Bank to develop a detailed digital transformation plan for three Eastern Caribbean islands:  Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Grenada.

The project included

  • A detailed baseline assessment of telecommunications services on the Islands, including connectivity and affordability.
  • The feasibility of connecting Government facilities with cost effective and efficient broadband,
  • Optimizing data centers and internet exchanges for the Island Nations, and
  • Bringing broadband connectivity to schools and underserved populations.

The study recommended an integrated approach to Government telecom infrastructure and digital inclusion, including IXP capabilities, Government computing centers and additional digital infrastructure facilities.  DAP provided the following services:

  • Performed an assessment of existing networks in Grenada, Saint Lucia and St. Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Developed the requirements and technical design for upgraded government networks interconnecting all government administrative buildings in each of the countries
  • Developed the requirements and technical design for networks serving schools, libraries and community centers
  • Developed the requirements and technical design for an undersea cable system connecting St. Vincent and Grenada with their respective Grenadine islands
  • Performed digital inclusion research in all three countries that included business and personal interviews and focus groups.
  • Analyzed existing telecom regulations and developed recommended changes
  • Developed technical designs for Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), including failover strategies. Also developed IXP governance recommendations.
  • Developed requirements and technical designs for government datacenters in Saint Lucia and Grenada
  • Researched a variety of design, construction, financing, ownership and operational options for the government networks including public-private partnerships
  • Developed comprehensive budgets and financial analysis models for the construction and operation of the government and undersea networks
  • Developed market analyses to forecast telecom demand
  • Developed tender documents featuring a PPP model
  • The tender process was successful. Contract with the PPP Partner is currently being negotiated.