Thailand Customs Desk Study
October 7, 2000

decision analysis partners designed the Morocco Port Sector definitional mission that:

  • evaluated the feasibility of two key maritime projects in Morocco,
  • gauged the potential for U.S. involvement in these projects in terms of investment and exports of goods and services,
  • evaluated the availability and potential sources of international financing for these projects, and
  • provided recommendations to TDA for a strategic course of action and next steps.

The first project was the upgrade of the port of Jorf Lasfar  for container service.  A study by Fluor Global Services confirmed the viability of the industrial park, subject to a number of steps including equipping the port for container traffic.   Further south, the Groupe Office Chérifien des Phosphates needed to upgrade and expand its shipping facilities in Safi, and wished to develop a modern port facility closer to its main complex, designed to load and unload chemicals and fertilizer products.

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