Keyur Patel

February 17, 2011

Direct Mail Potential in Emerging Economies

North America has demonstrated that direct mail is an important component of the postal "eco-system". This is becoming a real possibility in emerging economies where there is now the economic potential to build the address infrastructure and maintenance services required to support direct mail and direct marketing.
February 18, 2011

USPS needs more than financial relief

The financial relief provided to USPS in the 2012 budget will bring some breathing room to the organization. However, it needs to undergo a fundamental cultural change by further investing in its workforce, by redefining its customer base, and by weaving its remarkable logistical distribution network with information-rich capabilities to bring timely and value-added products and services to the marketplace.
February 27, 2011

La Poste envisions the multi-function mail carrier

"By 2015, there will be a decrease of 30% in the volume of mail distributed" says Christine Leturcq, director of mail for the Pas-de-Calais. So to avoid an uncertain future, the group decided to build a strategy. Code named: "2015, Reinventing the mail. "First line of work, the commercial side. Basically: the advertisements you receive to your home. Second track, the world of business, that is to say the management of contracts for others. Finally, the third track, local logistics.