Keyur Patel

December 25, 2010

Snow grounds 800 flights across Europe

Heavy overnight snowfall disrupted air travel across western Europe Friday, forcing more than 800 flight cancellations and leading to major delays in Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland.
December 25, 2010

Give USPS more market leeway…

If reforms are to succeed, they must ensure that the Postal Service has the freedom and leeway to leverage its unrivaled brand, network and technology, and invest across markets into new and promising services.
December 27, 2010

Postal union to fight Royal Mail sell-off

(Financial Times) The postal workers’ leader has refused to rule out ind­ustrial action to stop Royal Mail privatisation, saying his union’s political campaign can still put a stick in the coalition’s spokes.
January 1, 2011

New software improves Mexico mail service

The Mexican Postal Service introduced the Industrial Operating System (WIS) earlier this year, which has already improved mail delivery from the City of Mexico to other states and even other countries.