
Digital Transformation
insight > action > transformation
We bring insight to each project, drawn from our knowledge of best practices worldwide, and years of experience working with clients on complex transformaiton projects. Action is strategy set in motion. We know that our real value lies not in the solutions we provide, but in the results our clients realize, which can only be achieved by embracing change and implementing a new course of action. Transformation is an essential part of the modern competitive business cycle, where the only constant is change and business agility is a chief competitive advantage. [more]
Consultative Approach
Measuring Postal Performance
Delivery Sequencing
Combating Revenue Leakage
Delivery Operations under Declining Volumes
Parcel Terminals
The Adaptable Post
Evaluating Automation for Emerging Economies
The Concept of Postal Platform and Its Applications
Carrier Owned Delivery Routes
Articles and Case Studies
The Adaptable Post
Developing Postal Platforms
Plant and Work Center Design
Modeling and Decision Support
Redesigning the Montreal Letter Processing Center
[slideshare id=9407433&doc=casestudy-redesigningthemontreallpp-110924124334-phpapp01&type=d]
Simulation and Optimization of the United States Postal Service Network