DAP holds workshop in Curitiba, Brazil as part of USTDA-funded IRB Project

decision analysis partners at Caribbean emergency management workshop
December 17, 2023
decision analysis partners at Caribbean emergency management workshop
December 17, 2023

DAP holds workshop in Curitiba, Brazil as part of USTDA-funded IRB Project

decision analysis partners (DAP) held a workshop with the Rui Barbosa Institute (IRB Technical Committee for Studies and Systematization of Public Administration on December 13, 2023 in Curitiba, Brazil as part of a USTDA-funded project on best value procurement.  The purpose was for DAP to present the results of the Assessment of Procurement Audit Needs in the presence of Counselors and External Control Auditors of Brazilian Audit Courts.

Ray BARBER, project lead and Nick ZACCHEA, procurement specialist provided details of the assessment. The project is designed to analyze and recommend improvements to the approach to audits carried out by the Brazilian Audit Courts regarding public purchases based on the New Bidding Law (Law No. 14,133/2021). The project includes a comprehensive assessment, recommendations, and extensive training with four Courts of Auditors in the Brazilian States of Amapá, Ceará, Espírito Santo and Paraná.  The DAP assessment was developed based on international auditing methodologies, which uses document reviews, structured interviews with Secretaries of External Control, information systems, and best practices.

Nick ZACCHEA (left) and Ray BARBER (right)

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