USTDA Orientation Visit for Vietnam Customs

dap part of winning Target Systems DOD team
October 7, 2006
World Bank and Govt of Burundi select dap
November 13, 2006
dap part of winning Target Systems DOD team
October 7, 2006
World Bank and Govt of Burundi select dap
November 13, 2006

USTDA Orientation Visit for Vietnam Customs

decision analysis was selected by the U.S. Trade and Development Agency to organize an orientation visit in the United States for a senior delegation of the General Department of Vietnam Customs (GDVC). The delegation will visit with Government and private organizations in the Los Angeles and Washington DC areas December 6 through 15, 2006. A business briefing will be held in Washington on Wednesday December 13. For more information, contact Krati Jain at

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